Monday, April 28, 2008

Here's Stinkerbell

Eden loves to eat spaghetti. She's really patient about it too (a trait she is severely lacking most of the time). She'll spend an hour picking up one noodle at a time and putting it in her mouth. The problem is, by the time she is almost done, she is getting tired and she rubs her eyes. And her cheeks. And sometimes she twirls her hair. This is the end result.

I've been doing patty-cake with her since she was just a baby and last week she started saying it all by herself. It was really cute so we had to get a video. Once again, the sound is pretty quiet and you have to turn it way up but it is fun to hear. What a smarty she can be.

We sure are going to miss being so close to the lake here. It is fun to go down during the summer because there is so much to do. We won't miss all of the snow that it brings in the winter though. This picture was taken this past week on one of the few nice days that we have had. We went to the art museum and then went to the lake so that Eden could "run around outside." This is currently her favorite thing to do and ask to do it every five minutes or so.

1 comment:

Scott and Courtney said...

I can't believe how big Eden is getting!! I can't wait to see her and her many talents when you guys are out here in a couple of months! I love the picture at the lake, it's awesome! It looks so professional. Way to go!!