Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Your Lucky Day

Here's how it works: The first five people to leave me a comment get something made by me just for them. It can be anything I want, I get to choose. It can be silly or serious, edible or not, but don't plan on anything alive. There are a few rules involved (aren't there always?):

1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make! (but hopefully you will)

2- What I create will be just for you.

3- It will be done sometime this year. That's as specific as I'm going to get.

4- You have no clue what it's going to be.

5- I reserve the right to do something extremely strange and/or silly.

The catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they've posted on their blog win a hand made, super creative, possibly lovely whatever in the heck I decide! And it WILL be good. Be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!

If you leave a comment and don't repost this on your blog, I may still make you something anyways, just to be nice. That's just the kind of person I am sometimes.


Candice J said...

So can I leave a comment on yours? I'm going to so then I'll send you something and you can send me something. :) heehee!!

Jennifer Gardner said...

OK this looks like fun and I really want to do it, but I'm not sure I dare put that on my blog because as you know my blog is fairly public so I'm not sure who would respond. That could really complicate things.
But I'll leave a comment on yours anyway. Eden is looking so grown up I can't believe how much she has changed just since Christmas. I can't wait to see you later this month!

Anonymous said...

but...but... I don't have a blog!!

your favorite father in law....

Jes said...

I'd like to get something from Jill!