Friday, January 30, 2009

Good News

Well, I haven't been blogging like I wanted to but hopefully that will change now. Our computer has been really slow and just to post a blog took hours. We were having some other problems with it as well so we went out on Andy's last day off and bought a new computer. It is super fast and we're both happy to have it. So with that, I can now blog in just a few minutes.
It's been a pretty crazy month for us. Andy is doing another month in the ER, which he enjoys, but he is working crazy schedules with lots of weekends and nights working so I feel like we haven't seen him very much at all. Fortunately, today is his last day on this rotation and we get him for the whole weekend. On Monday he starts doing a Trauma rotation, which probably won't have a great schedule either, but we'll see.

Eden is growing up so fast and moved into her "big girl bed" at the beginning of the year. Her crib converts into a toddler bed and she is so proud of it. She has a new pillowcase with the Disney Princesses on it (her choice) and she loves being able to get in and out of bed by herself. She is big into painting and coloring and cooking in her kitchen (and my kitchen). She got some 'dress ups' for Christmas and loves to walk around wearing them with various hats. She talks my ear off and is really funny sometimes. I'll add some Eden-isms in this post. The list on the side isn't working out the way I wanted it to. Here are a few fun pictures from the month.

Eden climbed up on her little red table to read John Grisham while I made breakfast one morning.

Eden loves to snuggle with the cat (and Bea and Ernie of course).

Eden wearing a dress up skirt and my slippers. Silly girl!

Eden with one of her latest masterpieces. I think this one is a study in lines.

Eden's ducky slippers. Thanks Jeffi and co.


Candice J said...

Um...when is your baby going to stop growing? She's supposed to stay a baby and not grow up until you're closer to me and she can get to know me. :) heehee!! MISS YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Did you cut Eden's hair or does it just look short in the picture? She sure is a cutie!!

From Grandma SHA SHA

Karen said...

I loved reading the Eden-isms :)

melbel said...

Oh my goodness, she's a hoot! What a personality! :) We need to do more playdates, for sure!