Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, I didn't get to blogging in December like I thought I would. It was an extremely busy month and we have a very slow computer. Two things that don't go together. Hopefully January will be slower and we can get some more blogging done.

Andy is on the activities committee for our ward and so he helped out with planning our ward Christmas party and made sure Santa was there safe. It went really well and Eden even told us she would sit on Santa's lap and tell him what she wanted for Christmas. We really hyped Santa up so she would be excited for this. Once we got up to see Santa, Eden did not want anything to do with him and she cried when I tried to put her on his lap. Fortunately, Santa already knew what she wanted because he had been told many times at our house already.

Andy got the week of Christmas off, which was really nice, so we decided to go to Utah for a week and be with our families. The driving was long and we still don't have anything good to say about Wyoming but it was nice to have a little vacation. Eden got the "Thomas Train Set" she's been asking for, as well as a tricycle she is learning to pedal on the concrete floor of our basement.

We had a great Christmas and hope all of you did too. Now we're ready for 2009!

1 comment:

Connie said...

Jill, When I saw that picture of Eden on her tricycle I immediatley thought of the old home movie we have of you on a tricyle. You're riding it as it rolls backwards down the sidewalk. and you have the biggest smile on your face.