Sunday, October 12, 2008

In Our Kitchen

Our kitchen is one of the main areas of our house and a lot of stuff happens in there. Here's what's been going on in our kitchen this week:

Eden decided to feed the cat. By herself. She's very independent. It's very messy sometimes. Oh, and just so you don't wonder, the "beer" you can see in the upper left corner of this picture is actually "root beer". So don't worry...

The Suspect

The Crime (with the victim, who is getting fat)

While we talked about the letter D this week, Eden became aware of doughnuts and wanted to try one. So this is what we had for breakfast Saturday morning. YUMMY!

If you didn't already know, I babysit for some friends of ours during the day (Brian and Yohanna Vernon for those of you who know them). Sweet Mia is so fun to watch and Eden loves to play with her. The other day she got Mia to laugh and I grabbed the camera to see if I could catch some of the giggles on tape. What cute little girls!

Yesterday I baked a pie. Razzleberry, fresh out of the oven with whipped cream melting all over the top. VERY YUMMY. In fact, I think I'll go have some leftovers. Hope you all have a great week in your kitchens!

1 comment:

Angelfish said...

Holy Cow! Eden is getting so big! She looks so cute in that picture! Can't wait to see you next week!