Monday, August 29, 2011

The Rachel Post

I've been a little behind in blogging about the girls and I need to get these posted before I forget.  Rachel turned 9 months in July while we were in Utah.  She changed so much during the 5 weeks we were in Utah and learned so many new things.  She learned to feed herself (finally!) which made things a lot easier for me because I could give her some cheerios and she would eat them herself, instead of sitting with her mouth open waiting for me to give them to her like a baby bird.  She also learned to push herself into the sitting position when she was laying down and she started to army crawl to toys she wanted.  She also learned to say 'dog', 'cat' and 'bubble bath' (crazy, but so cute).  She also started doing a fake cough to get attention.  She's such a cutie!

A couple weeks ago she turned 10 months and she's still learning and growing so fast.  She's a super fast army crawler now and she loves to crawl toward things she knows she's not supposed to have and wait for someone to chase her down.  She is getting good at pulling herself up on her knees and I know it won't be too much longer before she pulls herself to standing.  She has learned to say 'duck' (which sounds a lot like 'dog' and 'cat') but I can't ger her to say it very often.  She's very vocal, but most of what she says is not English.  She seems to have no interest at all at saying 'mama' although 'dada' is a common phrase.  She's really good at pattycake and dancing when she hears music.  Over the past month or so she has also completely rejected baby food.  She will only eat food she sees us eating (and she isn't fooled by us pretending to eat baby food) so she's turned into a regular little kid, eating mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, cheese sticks, yogurt, and Mexican food (it's a favorite of hers- even if it is a little spicy).  Eating with the big people has helped her chunk up again a little- for a while she turned into quite the skinny gal.
She's also sleeping through the night (usually about 12 hours straight) with a long nap or two during the day. She loves watching Eden and following her around. Eden has even taught her how to do a really girlie shreik (which I'm sure our neighbors love to hear). We love having our Rachel around. She keeps me busy every day but I enjoy it.

Getting her to hold still for pictures is getting tricky.  Actually, getting her to hold still ever is a little tricky.
This is Eden's astronaut helmut she wore in her empty box rocket.  We couldn't resist putting it on Rachel.
I'm a little bit obsessed with Rachel's eyelashes.  They are so long, but so light that I can only see them when the light is shining on them.  I had to snap this picture one day while I was feeding her lunch.  The next two pictures just make me laugh.  I love this girl and her cheeks.

1 comment:

MeLynn and Greg said...

She is just getting cuter and cuter! Those eyelashes are to die for! Not only are they long but they curl so nice. :) I'm jealous.