Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy May!

Here's what we've been doing in May:
Eden is still our little artist and one of her specialty mediums is bathtub walls.

She also continues to have a unique style that is all her own.
Well, sometimes all her own...
My parents came out for a visit and we took a day trip to see Adam-Ondi-Ahman. The weather was really beautiful and the trip was a lot of fun.

Eden loves to make dandelion wishes.

Eden loves Grammy and always wants to have picnics with her, even in windy weather.


Scott and Courtney said...

She is so stinkin' cute! And getting so big! Miss you guys!

Matt Karla & Alex said...

Eden is gettig so big!! We miss hanging out with you guys. Just as a reminder we'll be blessing the baby in October any and all guests are welcome. (hint hint)

tinybubbles said...

Love the pictures! The one of Eden and Mia in their pjs is so cute! I need a copy of that one! I just want to squeeze them both!