Monday, July 28, 2008

Back and ready to blog!

It's been a long time. But we're back. We've spent quite a while in Utah visiting with family and friends and it's been a lot of fun. I took a lot of pictures, which I will blog about over the next few days. The computer is running slow tonight (and so am I) so I'll just start with a few pictures.

The main reason for the vacation: Family! Eden loved spending time with her cousins.

The Craven Family cousins: Abbie, Lexi, Sammy and Eden

Sometimes they got a little silly.

Eden's first french braids. Grandma Sha-sha was patient enough to put them in while Eden watched SuperWhy. They only lasted about 15 minutes, but she looked so cute while it lasted.


Jes said...

Eden is just adorable!

Nielsen Family said...

Cute Eden! Eva is always asking about her.
How is everything? We are OK.
Miss you all
Take care

Anonymous said...

get the 2 older ones naked and lick their p----'s while the baby's watch