Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dr. Craven, MD (and other things)

I know I haven't blogged for over three weeks but hopefully we've had a good excuse. Or a lot of good excuses. Here's an update of what's been going on since our last blog.
The biggest news is that Andy GRADUATED! My mom came out to visit/help and Andy's parents were also here for a couple days and we went to the commencement exercises on May 16 (thanks again Browns for taking Eden to the zoo. We already really miss you). The ceremony was really nice and Andy walked out with that really really expensive piece of paper we've been waiting on for four years. I'm really proud of him for all the hard work and dedication he has put into med school and I know he's going to be a great doctor. Thanks to Christina for taking this great picture of Andy and our other graduating friends. You're the best. To see more graduation pics you can go to Tina's blog here.

The day after graduation we packed up a large Penske truck to move to Omaha where Andy is going to do his residency in Emergency Medicine at UNMC. I don't know what I would have done if my mom and Marcia and Bruce weren't there to help out. They were all so willing to watch Eden and help with the final packing. Eden really wanted to drive the moving truck and was so excited when we let her sit behind the wheel.

We got to Omaha Sunday night and the next morning we did our final walk through and then closed on our house. That was quite a nerve-wracking and exciting moment all rolled into one. We had some of the elders from our new ward came over to help us move in and they were very helpful. That evening my dad and my sister came out to see the new house and help us unpack. Eden got to be the center of attention for the next few days and she is really missing them all.

Andy was grilling some chicken for dinner out on the deck a couple days after we moved in. He set up a camp chair and was drinking a soda when Eden came out. She wanted a chair just like him and after he got it, she asked for her drink as well. She is such a little daddy's girl. It's so cute to see her growing up.

We live just a few minutes away from our church now, which is very nice because we used to live about 20 minutes away. This church only has one nursery with 4 or 5 other little girls in it so I think Eden will have a good time once she gets used to it. Here's a picture of our little ham on Sunday.

So now we're pretty much moved in. We still have a few boxes that aren't totally unpacked but I think we're getting back into the swing of things. Eden loves the new house and has been very busy exploring everything and running around in all the space she has now. We're going to be going out to Utah on Friday so we may not post again for a few weeks after that, but I'll try to post again before we leave. It's been a busy month. We're all a little worn out!


Juli said...

Congrats on graduating! Sounds like your move went well. Good luck in Omaha.

Jessica said...

I'm glad to hear you're all settled in. I hate moving!! Eden is cuter than ever. I love all the pictures!

Matt Karla & Alex said...

Alex misses Eden so much. He keeps saying her name and the other day he said "Eden miss" it's cute. Glad you guys made it okay, post more pics of the house, I'd love to see it.

Nielsen Family said...

That is so neat that you are settled in... we are still not packed and busy with paper works and so on...
Send us pictures of the house with you things in it.
Miss you all.