Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas

We hope all of you had a very merry Christmas. We certainly had a great day. Andy is working hard in the ICU this month and we've missed having him around more often. He was able to get off early on Christmas Eve and doesn't have to go back until Monday, so it has been nice to spend time with him. We stayed in Omaha for Christmas this year and it has been nice and relaxing. We miss our families more this time of year, but it has been nice to not have to worry about traveling in the bad weather.

Eden was very excited to get lots of "Princess Stuff" for Christmas. Santa really came through for her this year. He took good care of Andy and I as well. One of Eden's favorite gifts this year was a small tent that she loves so much we had to move it into her bedroom so she could sleep in it.

Andy wins the prize for "Biggest Present" this year a couple times over. Eden gave him an air hockey table and he also got a ladder (now he doesn't have to borrow the neighbors to take the Christmas lights down). He also got a new leather jacket and a remote controlled helicopter which has been buzzing around our kitchen for a couple days now. Thank goodness for vaulted ceilings!

Santa brought me some beautiful new dishes, a digital picture frame, a new coat and a fun Wii Fit game. For those of you who think that exercise isn't fun (as did I until recently) you should try out Wii Fit. It's been a lot of fun.

Christmas was wonderful and we were sad to see it go, but he're looking forward to another great year to come. We hope the rest of the year is peaceful and safe for you and that next year brings new joys. Have a Happy New Year~

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